
Showing posts from October, 2018

clackamas county lets Purple Heart soldier die, and more evidence of McClure drinking problem and criminal activity like indecent exposure, lewd acts in public at charlies Mountain View, and destroying things in photos

below are some images that viewers might want to use discretion in viewing  but to suffice,   Jenna diane mcclure, alcholoic , drunk,   Hit someones elves car coming out of charlies Mountain View,  Showed no remorse  Didn't have insurance  Lied to cop and other driver about her having insurance  This person needs to be held accountable  And to pay for the damages she has inflicted  She has been nothing but evasive, irresponsible, and a  Danger to the state and act as a criminal This photo shows , Jenna Diane McClure,  Government camp Oregon  Performing sex acts on another female,  In charlies Mountain View bar  Filming photographing lewd acts,  As way to drive revenue to bar  Without proper prostitution license  She also advertises herself online as a #pizzaslut  Giving impression sex is for sale at charlies