
Showing posts from September, 2018

motorist mcclure was uninsured

according to state farm, motorist during incident on 8th pm, mcclure who hit me. was uninsured. quote : September 11, 2018 State Farm Claims P.O. Box 52250 Phoenix AZ 85072-2250 RE: Claim Number: 37-5688-R74 Date of Loss: September 8th We received a claim for a loss which occurred on September 08, 2018. According to our records, the policy was cancelled on June 5, 2018. Therefore, State Farm® is unable to provide coverage for this accident. If you have any questions, please contact us. Sincerely, Debbie Richardson Claim Specialist (855) 341-8184 State Farm Fire and Casualty Company this was one of the reasons i had called the cops too, is in addition to drunk innaprorpiate behavior by mcclure and other girl, is that initially insurance card was outdated. when she returned she gave mea . card that looked like it was up to date. turns out it was not. warranties on my brand new car, would all be invalid according to dealer and estimator shop yesterday. de

clackamass county sheriff office nude photo shoot in court house ? wtf showcases there are behavioral and professional issues with this county law enforcement culturally. also multiple lawsuits already in swing against them. more info here this is also indicative of the fact that this junior cop may be pressured to not follow correct form by his senior officeers

Clackamas county alread under investigation for lack of througoughness additionally, this video also notes, that clackamas county sheriff office, tho perhaps as they indicated to me they feel they are undermanned and staffed. are and have been under investigation for lack of thoughrougness etc this last year . among allegations against them were they were doing a nude photo shoot in the courthouse

Jenna Mcclure , reckless driver, identified as employee of Charlies Mountain View Government Camp

Video shares more details, but Female Driver of trailblazer, is Identified as Jenna Mcclure, who is an employee of Mountain View restuatunt and bar gov camp , oregon, this , as the video says. means a lot , and makes a lot of sense. because a) her and cop probably know each other this is why he didnt do the breathalizer test. neither of them shared data with driver whose car was struck, that she was an employee, tho it clearly is relevant. this is problematic because again, he didnt do the test because he is excusing her because he knows her. or the likilhood of this is high b) also problematic typically people who work night shifts at bars and restauraunts come to hang out when they are not working. was she working or not working there that night. was she , like in a lot of such establishments. given free alcohol and food as part of her employee status. was she drinking or not there that night. if that business is giving free liquo

copy of facebook message complaint to clackamas county sherrif september 9

Image video outlines problems with procedure when two young females come from bar in gov camp Oregon, recklessly back into a car in roadway without looking over their shoulder, are yelling and laughing and acting disorderly while the driver is trying to call 911, and do not have their insurance info on them. 911 call catches them audibly laughing and yelling, clear drunk girl behavior, that is not appropriate to someone who was just in a fender bender accident.  one returns to bar, and the other flees scene saying she only lives five minutes away and is going to get her insurance card. cop shows up, Tyler Alexander, does not have his business card with him. refuses to give her sobriety test when she shows up later. he laughs at it and acts innaprorpiately as well, in a criminally negligent way. clearly if it was just a fender bender, they would not be a) coming out of a bar. as well as the other driver, who was hit. had gone into the bar ear