video outlines problems with procedure when two young females come from bar in gov camp Oregon, recklessly back into a car in roadway without looking over their shoulder, are yelling and laughing and acting disorderly while the driver is trying to call 911, and do not have their insurance info on them. 911 call catches them audibly laughing and yelling, clear drunk girl behavior, that is not appropriate to someone who was just in a fender bender accident.  one returns to bar, and the other flees scene saying she only lives five minutes away and is going to get her insurance card.

cop shows up, Tyler Alexander, does not have his business card with him. refuses to give her sobriety test when she shows up later. he laughs at it and acts innaprorpiately as well, in a criminally negligent way.

clearly if it was just a fender bender, they would not be
a) coming out of a bar. as well as the other driver, who was hit. had gone into the bar earlier to use the rest room and believes he saw them eating a burger and drinking a beer in there. them is referring to the two females. the bar is

Charlies Mountain View bar and restaurant 88462 Government Camp Loop, Government Camp, OR 97028

the female when she returned with her insurance card, had brushed her teeth, and was chewing gum and no longer smelled of booze and cigarettes.

the other driver, myself, requested that the cop, Tyler Alexander do a Breathalyzer test. and he refused saying he did not have probable cause. I pointed out that I had seen her drinking earlier, that she now was chewing gum, had come out of a bar and had backed into a car in the road way in a reckless way. simply looking over her shoulder like driving regulations requires would have prevented this from occurring. its inexcusable and entirely her fault. these factors, her drinking earlier, the pattern of coming out of a bar at 830-9 pm, and than operating a vehicle and making a significant driving error and hitting another vehicle. is more than enough grounds for a breathalyzer test.

his refusal to do this, and his behavior of laughing at the thing, as well as his supervisor on the radio making light of the situation. is criminal and the county is responsible for having poorly trained staff.

the other gurl, who could have been the driver, had fled the scene and went back into the bar , and I believe continued to drink. she was not id. the other girl came back, when she gave her insurance card. and had parked half in a handicap parking spot in front of the bar, with her large white 2007 chevy trail blazer that already had dents on the front of it from another incident, which looked like it was patched with fiber glass. her car where it impacted my car,

her right rear corner of her car bumper hit my driver side door. I had backed from the opposite side of the road, general store side, into the lane on that side of the road, facing toward sandy and Portland down hill, and was shifting from reverse to drive, and looked up and that car backed up into me ,

crossing the other lane, as if she was trying to position her car in the exact spot I was aka, she was also backing up t head down hill, toward sandy,

but her vehicle had crossed a full lane of empty space before it hit me, so she was clearly not looking and was operating a vehicle in a definitive careless and reckless way,

and a likely impaired way. given the fact that she was seen earlier drinking and eating in the bar, smelled of booze and cigarettes, and

the behavior that was caught on the 911 call, of her loudly yelling and laughing, refusing to give insurance card, not having it up to date on her person, and

just generally acting like a drunk or high young female, with her friend, instead of acting in a way that was concerned and adult about the fact she just smashed into my car.

she was quoted as saying, "the cops are not going to come up here, its too far, it will take them like three hours to get up here"

In other words she had been in a situation like this before, or that town had. and the impression, I got was

that law enforcement were not professionally respoding and handling drunk driver cases up here by gov camp in this remote area.

both the cop who responded and the supervisor and the dispatcher, I believe dispatcher 29 , had all said this.

and were making excuses. there is no excuses for not doing a breathlizyer test tho. and I , who was sober, and had nothing to hide. said hey, I will take the test too. that way we will have our bases covered and will not need to worry about a drunk driver here

the gurl did not want to take the test.

after the cop left, the gurl went back into the bar and I believe she continued to drink. I parked and tried to call the insurance, initially did not get thru, and I began walking toward the bar. and half a dozen drunk people came out and began
yelling belligerently at me to leave, that I was not wanted there.

I have no history with anyone at this location, and know none of the people.

I was simply going to go in and ask the bartender if the gurl was drinking first and was continuing to drink

and see this, because it looked like I could see across the street into the bar and her and the other girl were continue ding to party and stay in the bar.

the bar should not be continuing to allow them in the establishment, if they just smashed into someones car right out front. this is improper management

as well as denying me service , for no just cause.

the Breathalyzer test should have been administered right when the cop got there.

I called back to dispatch and talked to stienberg the supervisor, and said she back in the bar , drinking. and he said well we don't know if she was drinking before.

and I said bullshit. I know she was. and that was the time, that was why that cop drove up there, to do that test. he didn't do it. it was a criminal act of suppression and negilgence on his part, trying to cover up the fact that the gurl was drinking and driving, or at least driving recklessly.

the sheriff department made too many errors, and their excuses about being short staffed and having more serious calls is not adequate, nor am I positioned as a us citizen to have to field these complaints. it is not my responsibility.

the hard truth, like I told stein berg, is that this girl, for her own good, the towns good and safety of all people, should not be drinking and driving.

and if she wasn't, than a simple Breathalyzer test would have ruled that out.

but she was. and is a danger, and will continue to be a danger until she is properly penalized and should have to breathe into a breathalyzer thing before she starts her car.

also the issue where the other gurl had fled the scene, and was acting disorderly and drunkern and laughing and yelling, and could have been driving the car. when this occurred.


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