Jenna Mcclure , reckless driver, identified as employee of Charlies Mountain View Government Camp

Video shares more details, but Female Driver of trailblazer, is Identified as Jenna Mcclure, who is an employee of Mountain View restuatunt and bar gov camp , oregon,

this , as the video says. means a lot , and makes a lot of sense.

because a) her and cop probably know each other
this is why he didnt do the breathalizer test.
neither of them shared data with driver whose car was struck, that she was an employee, tho it clearly is relevant. this is problematic because again, he didnt do the test because he is excusing her because he knows her. or the likilhood of this is high

b) also problematic typically people who work night shifts at bars and restauraunts come to hang out when they are not working. was she working or not working there that night. was she , like in a lot of such establishments. given free alcohol and food as part of her employee status. was she drinking or not there that night. if that business is giving free liquor to employees, whether they are on the clock or off, and those employees are driving. and driving reckless and possibly intoxicated. than that business is responsible for creating these behaviors, and for creating the space for this scenario to have occured where a stone cold sober driver doing nothing wrongs, vehicle is struck by their employee .

why was jenna and the other girl leaving if they left and than went back into the bar for hours.

it also makes a lot of sense in the context that dozens of people were belligerent at the bar, all drunk, and not wanting me to enter the bar. they were protecting one of their staff memebrs and community members who got caught drinking and driving, or driving reckless.

c) jenna mcclure social media links to devil number, and she is in numerous photos shown drinking alohol and partying. clearly the likihood of her drinkgina nd partying is high, if that is a big part of her life, and it is steadily and consistently showcased in her social media online presence. and she works as one of her jobs at a bar restauraunt, and in photos, at that restauraunt bar, mountain view in gov camp oregon, shown partying and acting crazy and wild .


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