clackamas county is uninsured and has stooge Mike Farrell Michael Farrell, CPCU, AIC Branch Manager at Vericlaim, Inc. administer their claims, and he cant even get the responding cops name right

to StephenlhamlinChriscatccsopsudistrictattorneyncrombiembernsteinScott.McLeodeguevarrabcc
30 days elapsed , no response email in writing from county insurance as per my request and law. official notification that i will consider this a green light to dispose of your county council attorney stephen madkour from his position by any and all means possible. as he is clearly diverging from due practice, and procedure by not giving claim to insurance company, and connecting me the victim to the insurance company. to reiterate, saying that another individual, such as mcclure, is financially responsible for the loss is not a valid response to the claim, the response to the claim must come in writing from the county insurance company. as i am traveling this email is the best means of contact, and as per my request a month ago, i have not recieved this response and acknowlegedment of receipt from your county insurance company as of yet. 

another very good reason why the county must be sued. 

Farrell, Mike

Jan 10, 2019, 1:31 PM (6 days ago)
to me
Mr. Hessert:

Please confirm receipt of this email.

Michael S. Farrell, CPCU, AIC | Branch Claims Manager
Post Office Box 1144, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035
DIRECT 503.303.2377FAX 503.697.5871
CELL 503.819.5868EMAIL | Caring counts®

From: Farrell, Mike
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2018 4:14 PM
To: '' <>
Cc: 'Madkour, Stephen' <>; 'Machado, Eric' <>
Subject: FW: september 8th mcclure hit and run tort claim against clackamas county

Mr. Hessert:

We administer tort claims for Clackamas County, which is self-insured. We have received notice of your September 8, 2018 incident at Government Camp.

The Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office did not cause the damage to your vehicle nor could the County have prevented the damage. The actions of Deputy Mendoza after the incident were entirely appropriate and justified, and played no role in causing your damage. Your claim is with the person who reportedly backed into your vehicle, Jenna McClure. Please follow up with her directly. If she did not have insurance, please contact your own insurance company to present an uninsured motorist property damage claim.

Since there is no evidence that Clackamas County bears any responsibility in this matter, the County will be unable to make any payment to you. I regret that I am unable to advise you more favorably, but trust you understand our obligation to the taxpayers of Clackamas County in carefully managing the funds entrusted to us.

The County will not engage with you further. Please discontinue contact with County Counsel’s office and the Sheriff’s Office. If you disagree with this evaluation, please have your attorney contact me.

Thank you for your understanding.

Michael S. Farrell, CPCU, AIC | Branch Claims Manager
Post Office Box 1144, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035
DIRECT 503.303.2377FAX 503.697.5871
CELL 503.819.5868EMAIL | Caring counts®

From: tyler alexander sobriety []
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2018 5:02 PM
To: Madkour, Stephen <>; Hamlin, Lyndie <>; Cate, Chris <>; CCSO PSU Citizen Complaints <>; District Attorney <>

tyler alexander sobriety

Jan 11, 2019, 2:36 PM (5 days ago)
to Mike
sir this is incorrect, you also have the deputy name incorrect. 

the issues are: she has to be charged with failing to perform duties of driver after accident. i called 911. your officer took an hour to respond. she left the scene in her car driving away. the law says she cannot do that. its a misdeamor with regard to the property damage . 

i cut and pasted this law and lettering below. your deputies and sheriff department have to enforce the law. why are they not enforcing this with mcclure? 

2017 ORS 811.700¹ 
Failure to perform duties of driver when property is damaged
  • • penalty

(1)A person commits the offense of failure to perform the duties of a driver when property is damaged if the person is the driver of any vehicle and the person does not perform duties required under any of the following:
(a)If the person is the driver of any vehicle involved in an accident that results only in damage to a vehicle that is driven or attended by any other person the person must perform all of the following duties:
(A)Immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident or as close thereto as possible. Every stop required under this subparagraph shall be made without obstructing traffic more than is necessary.
(B)Remain at the scene of the accident until the driver has fulfilled all of the requirements under this paragraph.
(C)Give to the other driver or passenger the name and address of the driver and the registration number of the vehicle that the driver is driving, the name and address of any other occupants of the vehicle and, if the vehicle is a motor vehicle, the name of the insurance carrier and the insurance policy number of the insurance policy insuring the motor vehicle.
(D)Upon request and if available, exhibit and give to the occupant of or person attending any vehicle damaged the number of any documents issued as evidence of driving privileges granted to the driver.
(b)If the person is the driver of any vehicle that collides with any vehicle that is unattended, the person shall immediately stop and:
(A)Locate and notify the operator or owner of the vehicle of the name and address of the driver and owner of the vehicle striking the unattended vehicle and, if the vehicle is a motor vehicle, the name of the insurance carrier and the insurance policy number of the insurance policy insuring the motor vehicle; or
(B)Leave in a conspicuous place in the vehicle struck a written notice giving:
(i)The name and address of the driver and of the owner of the vehicle doing the striking and a statement of the circumstances thereof; and
(ii)If the vehicle is a motor vehicle, the name of the insurance carrier and the insurance policy number of the insurance policy insuring the motor vehicle.
(c)If the person is the driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting only in damage to fixtures or property legally upon or adjacent to a highway, the person shall do all of the following:
(A)Take reasonable steps to notify the owner or person in charge of the property of such fact and of the driver’s name and address and, if the vehicle is a motor vehicle, the name of the insurance carrier and the insurance policy number of the insurance policy insuring the motor vehicle and of the registration number of the vehicle the driver is driving.
(B)Upon request and if available, exhibit any document issued as official evidence of a grant of driving privileges to the driver.
(2)The offense described in this section, failure to perform the duties of a driver when property is damaged, is a Class A misdemeanor and is applicable on any premises open to the public. [1983 c.338 §572; 2017 c.75 §1]

THe law indicates, taht the court, upon charging her with this crime. and prosecuting her

tyler alexander sobriety

Jan 11, 2019, 2:38 PM (5 days ago)
to Mike
continued: than the court would recover the money and have her pay me for the property damages to my car: 

as per which i cut and pasted below 

2017 ORS 811.706¹ 
Money damages resulting from violation of ORS 811.700 or 811.705

When a person is convicted of violating ORS 811.700 (Failure to perform duties of driver when property is damaged) or 811.705 (Failure to perform duties of driver to injured persons), the court, in addition to any other sentence it may impose, may order the person to pay an amount of money equal to the amount of any damages caused by the person as a result of the incident that created the duties in ORS 811.700 (Failure to perform duties of driver when property is damaged) or 811.705 (Failure to perform duties of driver to injured persons). [1995 c.782 §2]
Note: 811.706 (Money damages resulting from violation of ORS 811.700 or 811.705) was enacted into law by the Legislative Assembly but was not added to or made a part of ORS chapter 811 or any series therein by legislative action. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.

tyler alexander sobriety

Jan 11, 2019, 2:49 PM (5 days ago)
to LyndieChriscatdistrictattorneyMike
i am sorry if this chain of events was or is confusing to you. the details are here :
you will find multiple detailed videos describing the issues. 

are you saying that the county of clackamas county is uninsured? or that they are insured through your company?

my lawyer does not want to talk to you. he sees it very clearly and correctly as I do, 
simple case of your officers, responding that night doing things without proper procedure, 
making it so that i, the motorist whose vehicle was struck, was unable to file a claim against the 
criminal jenna mcclure, who fled the scene prior to information exchange, was noticiably 
intoxicated, and than came back with a fake card that didnt have an address, in an effort to 
mislead the victim that night, and than make it impossible for the victim to file a claim against her. 

the only reason the victim, hessert, has an address, is because AFTER 90 + days elapsed, 
a leuitenent cade. chris cade. provided it to him. mcclure refused the night of the incident, as well 
as a month after. providing hessert this data. she needs under law to provide it to the other person , the 
night of the incident. prior to leaving the scene. 

your officers, sheriff department, simply dont want to enforce the law and laws as they are written
that is why the claim is against you. not her. 

this is because your sheriff department, employees, employed by your county. are doing things 
in their jobs, that are contrary to how the law is written. 

i dial 911 a cop has to do his job. if he doesnt want to. than he shouldnt be a cop. 

we also dont need to sit and watch your cops mess up in dozens of other instances, indecently 
exposing themselves in the courthouse and laughing it off as a prank. these officers 
will need to be , as is the case with the ones i encountered , criminally prosecuted. 

and we certainly dont need officers laughing and videotaping a purple heart soldier as he dies, 
instead of getting him medical help. which what under law they are required to do as police officers, 

we have too many errors at clackamas. the county you represent is an american disgrace 
and federal and state agencies will, in cooperation with myself, do everything 
we need to do . 
under this american flag, 
to hold these criminals and lackluster criminal officials accountable and have them prosecuted 
to the fullest extent of the law, and its not a question of resignations any more at this point 

there are and there will be criminal charges against any and all officers employed at clackamas 
who has ever done anything contrary to the way the law is written, 
including the officers i ran into, who also 

in the case of chris cade leuitenent, commited police perjury which i will be prosecuting as a felony 
 against him and your county as part of my lawsuit

i have already requested the one hour recorded conversation, that i did with him and the other 
individual employed by the county at sunny brook road, where , on the record, he said he 
was going to forward this to the da office. 

i need this for my lawsuit as well as my case against him. i am ccin both chris cade as well as
lyndie hamlin, whom have already had this request re this. 

if you feel, as legal reps for the county, that its ok to defend them in not doing their job. 

than you also , like him in not providing that one hour convo as he said on the record he was going to do 

to the da office, 

are guilty of suppressing and tampering with evidence, as they are guilty also of 
suppressing and tampering wiht the evidence of the fact that mcclure, unninsrued, 

that night, didnt provide me with the right informaiton, and criminally left the scene, 

which are crimes, she would need , under law, to be prosecuted for. 

tyler alexander sobriety

Jan 11, 2019, 2:56 PM (5 days ago)
to StephenlhamlinChriscatccsopsudistrictattorneyncrombiembernsteinScott.McLeodeguevarrabccMike
so mike, i conclusion, there is evidence. she left the scene and drove off, and your county did nothing 
to prosecute her for this. if you are not following along correctly or need more info or evidence 
let me know. 

if you think its ok for your county employees to not enforce the law as it is written, 

to laugh as a purple heart soldier dies, 

and to take nude photos in the court house, 

that is why the feds, the state , and the america people 

are going to shut your clowns down, and 
to make sure 
we got someone better than a long haired wierdo in the paper for ahousing flap 

working at the council 

and i dont even wanna have to look at you and your issues, because i am guessing 

if u working with and or for clackamas, 

there is a pile of dirt bigger than mount hood there too 

so i would suggest you make sure you thoroughly look thru my blog posts and videos, 

and take stock 

because beating losers like clackamas county 
is the type of stuff i do before breakfast 

not after 

and im busy 

and winning against you is like winning against a bunch of retarded kids 

and it dont make me feel better about myself. 


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tyler alexander sobriety

Jan 11, 2019, 3:17 PM (5 days ago)
to StephenlhamlinChriscatccsopsudistrictattorneyncrombiembernsteinScott.McLeodeguevarrabccMike
the victim doesnt need to wait till after they file a claim against the county, for the police 

or county sherriff leutientn, to get him an address for the criminal who damaged his car, 
that info had to be exchanged the night of the incident, the moment it happened, before she left teh scene

the county had 90 days to get it to me, BEFORE i filed a claim. it shows how much they suck 
if they couldnt engage to get this done BEFORE i filed the claim, i dont living in oregon 

i dont need people to pump my gas 

and i dont ,as i dont live in oregon, need to have uninsured motorist on my insurance. 

but as an 

if someone drunk and uninsured hits my car and leaves prior to information exchange, and i take a photo of the plate, and call 911 and 

the cop who responds does nothing, 

than i got problems with the county, if its an AMERICAN COUNTY 

but what it looks like 

is CLACKAMAS COUNTY is unamerican, and doesnt respect our countries values, 

or the oregon state laws, 

and will need to be proseucted for this. 

hope that makes it more clear, 

but if you got questions fire them off or look back thru the blog and the videos i recorded,

thanks for your time, i feel mine has been epically wasted. 

u got a criminal, who is also, doing indecent exposure, smashing other property, laughing, 

clear drunk, sex acts. 

this person is a problem, and damaged my property. needs to be held accountable, 

she refused to give me an address. thats a crime. 
she left the scene prior to informaiton exchange thats a crime 

i dont need to wait a hundred days. 

it has to be given to me the night of the incident, and if she fails to perform duties of driver after 

accident, with regard to property damage, 

which she did 

than she needs to get charged and prosecutged for this. and the sheriff department needs
to give this data to the da office, so they can do their job 

and than recover the funds for the damage to my car. 

additionally--> as pointed out, the car didnt belong to her, and they faked a car sale after. 

the car belonged to a relative of her, thomas douglass gleneden beach oregon , and 
technically the liability would be on the owner of the car 

not the driver. 

since they criminally are faking a car sale, after this happened, even tho she has had possesion and use of the car 

for the year prior to this event, 

and he owned it, 


you see . i as a citizen. cannot enforce a law, if your people dont want to do it, and are suppressing 
and tampering with this evidence, and lying about saying they are giving it to the da office, 
and laughing and sucking at their job 

than you are going to get your people charged and prosecuted for these crimes, because clackamas 

is in the state of oregon 

and in MY COUNTRY ;

which is america. 

i am sure your cops can leave the country if they want, and get a job as a securtiy person 
at a call center , or maybe at a foreign countries k mart 

but they wont be working in my country here when im done i can assure you 

and i can assure you that they are unfit to be working as police officers i this country 
that your management and leadership will need to be charged and prosecuted 
as the criminals they are and jailed for their crimes 


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Farrell, Mike

Jan 14, 2019, 12:26 PM (2 days ago)
Mr. Hessert:
As explained earlier, we administer tort claims for Clackamas County, which is self-insured.
As also explained earlier, the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office did not cause the damage to your vehicle nor could the County have prevented the damage. The actions of Deputy Alexander after the incident were appropriate and justified, and played no role in causing your damage. Your claim is with the person who reportedly backed into your vehicle, Jenna McClure. We do not believe you have a cause of action against Clackamas County under ORS 811.700, ORS 811.706 or any other statute.
The County will be unable to make any payment to you. I regret that I am unable to advise you more favorably, but trust you understand our obligation to the taxpayers of Clackamas County in carefully managing the funds entrusted to us.  
The County will not engage with you further. Please discontinue contact with our office, with County Counsel’s Office and the Sheriff’s Office. We will not respond to any additional emails. If your attorney believes you have a cause of action against the County, you may wish to pursue a claim in the Clackamas County Circuit Court.
Thank you for your understanding.
Michael S. Farrell, CPCU, AIC | Branch Claims Manager
Post Office Box 1144, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035
DIRECT 503.303.2377FAX 503.697.5871
CELL 503.819.5868EMAIL | Caring counts®

From: Farrell, Mike
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2018 4:14 PM
To: '' <>
Cc: 'Madkour, Stephen' <>; 'Machado, Eric' <>
Subject: FW: september 8th mcclure hit and run tort claim against clackamas county

Mr. Hessert:

We administer tort claims for Clackamas County, which is self-insured. We have received notice of your September 8, 2018 incident at Government Camp.

The Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office did not cause the damage to your vehicle nor could the County have prevented the damage. The actions of Deputy Mendoza after the incident were entirely appropriate and justified, and played no role in causing your damage. Your claim is with the person who reportedly backed into your vehicle, Jenna McClure. Please follow up with her directly. If she did not have insurance, please contact your own insurance company to present an uninsured motorist property damage claim.

Since there is no evidence that Clackamas County bears any responsibility in this matter, the County will be unable to make any payment to you. I regret that I am unable to advise you more favorably, but trust you understand our obligation to the taxpayers of Clackamas County in carefully managing the funds entrusted to us.

The County will not engage with you further. Please discontinue contact with County Counsel’s office and the Sheriff’s Office. If you disagree with this evaluation, please have your attorney contact me.

Thank you for your understanding.

Michael S. Farrell, CPCU, AIC | Branch Claims Manager
Post Office Box 1144, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035
DIRECT 503.303.2377FAX 503.697.5871
CELL 503.819.5868EMAIL | Caring counts®

From: tyler alexander sobriety [


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tyler alexander sobriety

Mon, Jan 14, 4:17 PM (2 days ago)
as explained earlier, your deputy has to perform the job of a police officer. there is no reason why the victim hessert has to wait 90 plus days, file a claim against the county, to get the address of the criminal who hit his car. when your deputy, who responded and took an hour to get there, physically witnessed her drive up, after leaving the scene, and refused, at the scene to check aka verify her insurance or to check aka verify her status drunk or not drunk. 

her leaving the scene is a crime, she must be prosecuted for. this has been prior explained to you. you seem to be an idiot like the rest of clackamas who has no regard for the law as they are written in oregon and in america. 

 for every day that passes, from when this incident occured, to when i have a) mcclures address (which was over a hundred days from the accident date, and it needed, under law to be provided to me the night of the accident), b) when i have the money to fix the car. 

a sum of 100 dollars is being charged to clackamas county. because they are the reason for the delay. they are paid to respond to 911 calls. 911 was called that night multiple times. i took a photo of the plate, 

the criminal mcclure, hit the car, laughed and said they are not going to do anything, didnt hav einsurace. and left the scene by driving. all crimes. 

your officer, arrived an hour later, after that , mcclure drove back up, and gave fake and incomplete information. 

your officers are employed by your county. the other motorist does not need to wait a hundred days to get an address, the officer who responded needed to cite her that night for being uninsured, and for leaving the scene, and he needed to make sure that the victim motorist hessert had her address so he could file a claim against her. 

this is basic police work, nothing hard here. he simply failed at his job. audibly laughed with mcclure.

the reason the county owes the money is because the victim motorist doesnt need to wait a 100 days to have an address for mcclure, he called 911 a cop responded. she was uninsured. the victim said that , on the 911 call, she was refusing to give him insurance, was drunk and laughing and yelling, and was leaving the scene. 

she needed to have consequences taht night. she is a criminal and will go on to kill her self or some one else driving drunk. 

your county is paid , by the people of clackamas , to keep the roadways safe, and to hold criminal actions, like those exhibited by mcclure that ight the 8th, and also after, .. some time after, when she was contacted and further refused to give the other motorist her address so he could file a claim against her, 

your county is paid to hold people likemcclure who leave the scene of an accident prior to an information exhange, with deliberate criminal intent, and then after, come back with incomplete info, and refuse when later contacgted to provide this info, the address, to the other motorit, so he can have her served and take her to court for the damages to his car etc. 

your county has to under law, do their job. in terms of your sheriff department. 

until i have the money to fix and or replace my car, i reiterate, i will and am charging clackamas county, because their inability to do their job , is what caused the delay in me getting mcclures address. 100 dollars a day , from september 8th on, till the car is a , fixed, b replaced in full at 20k. 

I also will correspond with anyone i choose, in any shape or form i choose, untill i have recieved these funds and have the money for the car and the time wasted. 

if you have a problem with that , than you should better train your police and your sheriff department around these issues moving forward 

so taht the roads are kept free of drunk, uninsured motorists, who are deliberately indecently exposing themselves to traffic from public spaces, performing sex acts at bars and other places, and who are a nuisance and danger to all people , residents of clackamas county, as well as visitors to the region. 

at this point i am requesting, that you. mike farrell resign immediately, and forward me to your supevisor, and you have a total of 3 business days to do this before i take action. 

thank you for wasting my time. 

and you created the space, or your county employees at the sheriff office, by not doing their job correctly, for the county to be filed against and now for the county to be 

probably sued. and promptly and resoundingly defeated in court for their errors on this. 

thats your county employess mistakes that are creating this problem, and mcclure mistakes and law breaking too. 

i dont have to hold hands or write emails any more. 

send the claim to your insurance company.


it is the police 

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 2:29 PM Madkour, Stephen <> wrote:
Sir, your claim would be with the other driver, not with the county. 

From: tyler alexander sobriety []
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2018 2:29 PM
To: Madkour, Stephen <>; Hamlin, Lyndie <>
Subject: Re: september 8th mcclure hit and run tort claim against clackamas county

has your insurance company recieved the claim and what is their contact? 

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 2:27 PM Madkour, Stephen <> wrote:
We have no further questions.  Thank you. 

Stephen L. Madkour County CounselCLACKAMAS COUNTY
2051 KAEN ROAD | SUITE 254
PH 503.655.8362 
| FX 503.742.5397

From: tyler alexander sobriety []
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2018 2:25 PM
To: Madkour, Stephen <>; Hamlin, Lyndie <>
Subject: Fwd: september 8th mcclure hit and run tort claim against clackamas county

here forwarding you this the latest, for continuity. 

i faxed the claim to i believe your office as well as the da office on the 8th, after that time. the officer , leuitenent , assigned to this. began to correspond and write to me . this is well after th 90 day mark, and me filing the claim. and him having abundant time to have gotten back to me with an address for mcculre, as well as to get the data to the da office for them to begin their process. i am sorry if you have the impression i am "sending emails to the county" , i am simply responding the officer who was assigned to this who emailed me. as were my instructions by lindsey hamlin at the office of the sheriff, sunny brook road. i am ccing her on this as well. 

let me know when you will have my money , and if you have any further questions.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: tyler alexander sobriety <>
Date: Sun, Dec 16, 2018 at 8:56 AM
Subject: Re: september 8th mcclure hit and run tort claim against clackamas county
he shouldnt be a cop. 

On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 5:43 PM tyler alexander sobriety <> wrote:
i also directly questioned her for an address or place to send mail, and she r

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tyler alexander sobriety

Mon, Jan 14, 9:32 PM (2 days ago)
dont respond to an email or fake knowledge about the event when you cant even take a minute and get the deputy name correct you are an embarrasment to your industry, and like clackams county will be prosecuted for wasting my time. you have 3 days , get me to your supevisor and resign. you suck at your job, and choose to waste my time with fake generic emails, and gave the wrong deputy name. 

you are a shit show and should not be in the field of insurance. 

thats is all . clock ticking three days. thanks for sucking and not caring enough about your job to look at the case. 


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tyler alexander sobriety

Jan 14, 2019, 9:57 PM (2 days ago)

i been told somethin like this might be happening at clackmas favors and nude photos for lenience and dismissals 

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tyler alexander sobriety

Jan 14, 2019, 9:58 PM (2 days ago)
the suggestion is that mcclure peformed a sex act blow job on alexander for leniency

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