Clackamas County sheriff department makes effort to silence people on their facebook page, and news reports comments section.

Clackamas COunty sheriff department, has been blocking posts that are in a nature against their
image that they , their fake image, that they are trying to project within the community .

and thus they are running a political fake facebook page, only allowing posts that are in their favor, not the larger upswelling int he community of distrust, and anger at their numerous violations

criminal actions and incompetence by the sheriff department, and corruption, by the sheriff department of clackamas county

as well as the larger broader county council who employes and manages them.

they are specifically going to great lengths to silence freedm of speech, and block posts that question basic things like

their response time in crisis events,

; how long it takes for them to respond to a 911 call.

they are also blocking posts that are people concerned and speaking out about their inadeuqcies, their crimes of the nude calendard indecent exposure in teh court house, and also their crimes of having a their employees laugh and do nothing as a purple heart soldier dies. in their custody.

these criminals , untrained, and poorly improperly managed and clearly with no good leadership or management,

are going so far to try to silence the american people and tamper with their very right to speak out about the issues that they are running into in their own country, and in the state of oregon and in the county of clackamas,

in addition, they are clearly acting political, where you can see they are

trying to do everyting they can to tarnish a principal who is pulled over for drunk driving :

but do nothing when a young woman, drunk ,laughing, uninsured, operating a vehicle illegally, that didnt belong to her, gets into an ACCIDENT, and flees the scene with no information exchange
and they take over an hour to get there.

what are the metrics, for their going after a male school principal, and than doing aboslutely nothing in this other instance, with the drunk criminal jenna diane mcclure?

why is there no consistency with response time and action taken in these two cases? and why is both clackamas county sheriff department and teh oregon live cite, censoring comments that are asking these kind of valid questions?

is it because clackams county is unamerican? and unethical? and criminal?


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