officers Aiding and Abetting the criminal mcclure

11 months , almost a full year elapsed. and still, the technical owner of the car, and his contact address, information , was not given to the victim,

the owner of the car mcclure was driving a relative of hers "thomas douglas gleenden beach oregon"

dmv, insurance, all confirm this. that he owned the car, and had given her permission to use it, she was using his car, for upward of a year , proven documentation of this online , with photos, prior to this accident.

he than worked with her , to try to fake a car sale the week after the accident, saying that he sold her the car two days prior, they had a bill of sale, but just never went to the dmv.

their lie re this, wont hold up tho, because if this was the case. which it is not. they would have to notify their insurance companies of the sale. to protect their mutual liability. but neither had insurance on the car.

this is obviously opening him on two counts, of aiding and abetting her leave the scene without performing duties of driver, and also accessory after the crime . of supporting her in evading giving an address and correct informaiton on who owned the car to the other motorist, the victim,  so that he could take the car owner promptly to court. over his property loss.

aka if he had given her permission to drive his car it was and is his responsibility to make sure she got insurance on it, if he didnt have a policy for it. he as the owner is liable.

This is obviously a convulted mess, but the overarching theme is, that the officers, who didnt charge mcclure with the citation of driving uninsured till well into december,

which is after her license got suspended on november 14 thru the dmv for driving uninsured. as victim filed accident report thru dmv within 72 hours of accident, since estimate was above 2500.00 for damages to his car, as per oregon state law. as she was uninsured.

(keep in mind the accident happened september 8th 2018, the victim dialed 911 at the scene when mcclure left without performing duties of driver refusing to give the victim her insurance & address info which was outdated by months, and info on the owner.)

have all, and naming them alexander, cate, steinberg, mmendosa

have acted complicit wiht mcclure, in evading giving the correct information that is required under law for her to do

to the other motorist whose car she smashed when she reckless and intoxicated backed up into the road from teh bar of charies mountian view

and thus are technically working in conjunction with mcclure, by failing to do their jobs that they are paid by the county to do, which is enforce the laws, like the law of driving uninsured, and drunk, as it relates to mcclure most obviously, but than also the issue with her leaving the scene, coming back wiht fake and incomplete informaiton, and than refusing to give the correct informaiton to the other motorist, the victim when he contacted her and or tried to contact her.

this makes this line of county employees, not just clearly unprofessional, and good grounds for lawsuits against them and the county

it makes them criminally aiding and abetting mcclure, as well as potentially in some of their cases acting as an accessory after the crime

they will need to be charged and prosecuted. obviously it wont get routed thru clackamas, because the sheriffs department is so unamerican and unable to function.

their officers alexander and cate cant even do a police report number. the most basic and simplist tasks, are beyond these peoples reach.

Specifically: the officers violated the below cited law here: (aka 2.c.) Having a legal duty to prevent the commission of the crime, fails to make an effort the person is legally required to make. [1971 c.743 §13]

2017 ORS 161.155¹ 
Criminal liability for conduct of another

A person is criminally liable for the conduct of another person constituting a crime if:
(1)The person is made criminally liable by the statute defining the crime; or
(2)With the intent to promote or facilitate the commission of the crime the person:
(a)Solicits or commands such other person to commit the crime; or
(b)Aids or abets or agrees or attempts to aid or abet such other person in planning or committing the crime; or
(c)Having a legal duty to prevent the commission of the crime, fails to make an effort the person is legally required to make. [1971 c.743 §13]
(keep in mind, when they went back and cited her in late december or january for being uninsured, at that point. they got an address for her, a po box, and gave it to the victim. he had requested contact and address for the owner too, tho. from both the officers and mcclure. and didnt get this. but this was over a 100 days after the accident. he was out of state. not positioned to file a claim against her or anyone else. the info had to be given to him at the accident. before she got in her car and left. and or when he followed up with her a few weeks later. she had another chance, to be square, to provide it to him, since she didnt do it that night before leaving, and when she came back and faked insurance, she didnt give him an address or data on the owner. which was required under law. for her to provide than, or when requested.

 but at that point (december 2018) the officers , since they know she had physically left the scene before information exchange the night of the incident, (the night of tyler witnessed this and this was why the victim made the 911 call and took photo of her plate) and when she came back, and when she was follow up contacted by victim, refused to provide the correct information necessary under law. to the victim. the officers should have cited her for "failing to perform duties of driver after accident, and than order her to pay the money damages to the victim, as per oregon state laws. when they cited her in december for driving uninsured. they didnt do this tho. even tho when the victim met with lt cate at sunnybrook road (in december) he said he would do it and give it to the da office. he lied. this is the core of their guilt. both mcclure and the sheriff department had multiple chances, over a period of days weeks and months, to square with the victim and get him the right information, to apply the laws the correct way. but they all choose to be criminal instead. )

this is, and i ... i feel like i should be getting paid to teach a class for your cops. but this is the specific law where they, as individuals. alexander responding the night of, steinberg also the night of, and than lt cate. and mendoza and alexander in the days after. 

have committed a crime, and opened themselves to prosecution. 

they are legally required to make an effort to prevent the commission of the crime of her leaving the scene of the accident without performing duties of driver. which include giving the other driver viable address of herself the driver, the details on the other passenger and also the owner of the vehicle. 

they have failed to make an effort that they were legally required to make. to hold her accountable. 

instead they have done everything to enable her to committ this crime. 


they are guilty. and them and their employer the county are responsible for replacing the value of the car that was damaged. 

***** as a final note. the employee working the door the night of the incident, as well as the business the night of the incident. the business charlies mountain view, are also liable for aiding and abetting the criminal mcclure... " harbor, aid or conceal a person who you know has committed a crime, you are an accessory". *****


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